The Mythic Lilith

The Mythic Lilith

I certainly do not subscribe to a belief in a demonic entity, but I do take delight in myths, legends, fairy tales and religious stories that are evidence of our ambivalence towards female sexuality and power.

Lilith is a powerful personae with a rich and vivid history and I love her as the representative of a dark and dangerous sexuality.

Of course, do be aware of conflicting information and different agendas on the internet; read what you will about Lilith with a healthy dose of salt.

Mmmm…juicy stuff!

I can recommend a wonderful and scholarly little book by a clinical psychologist and practicing Jungian analyst about Lilith. It’s only about 125 pages and has an extensive bibliography: The Book of Lilith by Barbara Black Koltuv, Ph.D.

Otherwise, online:

Read the Lilith Wiki

Here’s another link to further reading on Lilith.

Rosetti’s “Lady Lilith”